
My workflow is actually two workflows, one is for anything that happens when I’m on campus, and the second one is when I’m home and have access to my MacBook or PC.


I more often than not, only take my iPad with me, when I’m not home. So I only have access to my notebooks in GoodNotes 5. Apart from that I usually leave so early that I don’t have time to open my MacBook or PC to write my agenda or anything like that. Because of that I created a template for a special notebook in GoodNotes. It consists of two columns, one for my daily agenda, and the second one, for things that I discovered and want to do further research on and write a note on my Digital Garden about it.


When I’m home I usually do my work on my PC or my MacBook. I code and write notes for my Digital Garden on these devices, and on both of them I use Emacs to do these tasks. On my PC I use XMonad as my Window Manager in conjunction with Polybar as my Top Bar. I plan to eventually clean up configs for both of them, and publish them here.