# Me.
Welcome, make yourself comfortable, do you prefer coffee or tea?
So how do you like it here? I like to think that it is quite spacious in here. I know it is empty, I do not think of those emptiness as well... emptiness but rather a sign that one can fit more stuff in here. Contrary to what you think it does not seem smaller on the outside, it is just bigger on the inside, do not worry though, everyone makes this mistake.

Here is your coffee. You can place it on the desk there if you do not want to hold it, if the mess on it does not bother you, do not worry about the papers on it, they all have coffee stains already.
Do you want me to put up some music? I normally listen to music from vinyl discs, but I have a radio if you prefer that. I usually listen to some rock, breakcore or even hip-hop. What's my favourite? I do not have a clear favourite artist but I have recently been on a concert of Taco Hemingway, do you know him? I have a vinyl of his newest album.
I forgot one thing, I have not showed you what's upstairs. Follow me, but watch your steps, There is no light up there and it is easy to trip on something. There is the bed of my cat, he is orange and definitely not the brightest of the bunch but he is cute, if you look at the other side of the room you will see my aquarium with axolotls. Now if I look at it I do not think there is really anything interesting in here apart from my pets, It's really just papers thrown around everywhere with some things I was working on.
I don't have guests often in here, that is why it is so messy in here. Well apart from myself, the cat and axolotls I do not think there is a living soul in this place.
There are a lots of moths near the lake, they are attracted to light, which means that they are fond of flying into the inside of this cottage. Some believe they symbolise death, but how can a thing that is alive represent death? They are transforming from a larvae into a such a nice flying creature. I think they are flying here to symbolise progress and transformation. What do you think?
I would really like you to stay longer but you should probably go now, It is getting pretty late. Be sure to come back sometime to my mind.