# Home

Welcome to my Digital Garden. I am a student from Poland. This website is a collection of random knowledge and some notes from my lectures. Some of my experiments are also included/documented here.

"Technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin

A Digital Garden is a small corner on the internet where the purpose is not to show the result of your work (like in a blog). The process is the purpose. In a normal garden, one cultivates the garden day-to-day, the resulting scenery is just a bonus, the enjoyment is from cultivation. Digital Garden works similarly, one should take enjoyment from cultivating his space, and watching it naturally grow from gathering information, researching certain topics, the writing itself, and finally, from knowing that your garden might be useful to someone else.

My Digital Garden comes in a form of a Zettelkasten (which is quite popular among digital gardeners). It currently supports only two methods of navigation: exploratory and the central index of all notes. I think this is enough (although I might throw in a graph view later).

I cover a lot of topics in here, mainly my scientific notes from math/physics/CS and my hobbies, which include photography, more generally art, music and sailing. I also post reviews and thoughts about films, books and more generally content I consumed. Somedays I might throw in something philosophical.

If you are interested in how I work, check out my workflow and setup.