# Category
The definition of a category in category theory evolved over time, according to the author's chosen goals and framework. Eilenberg & Mac Lane gave a purely abstract definition of a category. Others, starting with Grothendieck (1957) and Freyd (1964), elected for reasons of practicality to define categories in set-theoretic terms. I will define it as follows.
# Idea
- A category consists of a collection of things and binary relationships (or transitions) between them, such that these relationships can be combined and include the "identity" relationship: "is the same as".
- A category is a directed graph with multiple edges with a rule saying how to compose two edges that fit together to get a new edge. Furthermore, each vertex, which acts as an identity for this composition.
- A category consists of a collection of objects and a collection of morphisms. Every morphism has a source and a target object. If is a morphism with as its source and as its target, we write:
and we say that is a morphism from to . In a category, we can compose a morphism and a morphism to get a morphism . Composition is associative and satisfies the left and right unit laws.